If you are experiencing an emergency call 9-1-1. You can also text this number but default to voice whenever you can.
Our station phone number is (401) 397-7520 and our fax (401) 397-1084.

This (wcfd.net) is our official online home and proudly hosted in Coventry.
“Western Coventry Fire Department” is our official Facebook.
Western Coventry Fire District is located at 1110 Victory Highway, Greene, RI 02827. This is just north of the intersections of Flat River Road (Route 117) and Victory Highway (Route 102):
Lat Long: (41.697050, -71.692980) | GPS Coordinates: 41° 41' 49.38'' N 71° 41' 34.728'' W
District Officials
- James Cady – Chief
- Mariann Gardener – Clerk
- Sandra Mann – Treasurer
- Annie Driscoll – Tax Collector
- WCS (Skip) Mays – Moderator
Board of Directors
- Steve Bousquet – Chairman
- Richard Holt – Vice Chairman
- Joe Gigliotti – Board Member (elected April 2023)
- Jillian Winemiller – Board Member
- Elizabeth McDonald – Board Member (appointed March 2024)