Public Records

Annual Meetings

This section contains upcoming and previous annual meeting information such as official notices and data packets.

April 29, 2024: Notice | Packet
April 24, 2023: Notice & Agenda | Votes Taken | Packet

Board of Directors

The section contains agendas, meeting minutes, and other matters of the board:


Unofficial minutes will be posted several days following the meeting.

Official minutes will be posted several days following the next scheduled meeting after acceptance by the Board of Directors.

Documents prior to 2023 are archived on State of Rhode Island Secretary of State Open Meetings.

Chiefs Selection Committee

Fire Chief James Cady announced retirement for fall 2024. The Board of Directors appointed a Chief’s Selection Committee to solicit input from interested candidates for the Chief’s position and present three candidates. Peter Fratantuono is the successor Chief of the Western Coventry Fire District effective November 27, 2024:

SAP Committee

This section contains agendas, meeting minutes, and other matters of the Standard Administrative Procedures committee:


This section will list adopted annual budgets.

Financial Statements

This section will list documents relating to financial matters of the direct including quarterly reports and annual audits.

Open RFPs

This section contains active request for proposals.

Closed RFPs

This section contains past RFPs along with details relating to those products, services, and solutions used.


This section contains public records that are not applicable to any other section.

November 2023: Fire Services Assessment | RFP References | RFP Request
April 2024: Letter to Town of Coventry Requesting Opioid Funds