Stats & Metrics

Here are some quick stats for 2024. Since January 1 to October 30:

  • There have been 936 total dispatches
  • 725 (77%) were for EMS
  • 211 (23%) were for Fire
  • We aided other local districts 414 times
  • In our aid, 254 was for EMS and 1160 for Fire
  • We were aided by other local districts 149 times
  • In their aid, 130 were for EMS and 19 for Fire

Need dispatch data for 2023, 2022, 2021?

Data is as of the last Chiefs monthly report reviewed and approved by the board of directors. The Chief provides this report at each monthly board meeting for the previous full month. For example, the August meeting will provide data for July. The data herein will be updated shortly thereafter.

We will provide other stats, metrics, and other performance indicators later this year. In the meantime, we encourage reviewing the annual report and meeting minutes from monthly board of directors meetings.